Unfortunately, over 2 million people die every year in the United States. These can be extremely difficult times for family members, friends, and even entire communities. If a relative of your own as passed away, it might be your responsibility to plan the funeral service.
There are a few important steps to planning a funeral, but it’s important to note that during this difficult and emotional time, you’re not alone. You’ll likely have friends and family members of your own to help you, but your best bet is to work with a helpful funeral director who can assist you throughout the entire planning process.
Here are some important steps to planning a funeral:
- Making the call — Perhaps one of the most important funeral planning steps is making that first call to notify people of the deceased. This is an incredibly difficult step and it’s best to have a loved one nearby to assist you during these calls.
- Contacting funeral homes — Once the appropriate parties have been notified about your loved one passing away, it’s time to find a quality funeral home and schedule the date of the service. Make sure to discuss everything from cremation services to funeral costs in order to avoid any complicated issues leading up to and during the funeral.
- Provide the funeral director the deceased’s information — Once you’ve selected a funeral provider, you’ll need to provide them some basic information on the deceased. Be sure to include the deceased’s full name, date and place of birth, date and place of death, next of kin, whether or not an autopsy will be performed, as well as your name, contact information, and relationship with the deceased.
- Acquire the death certificate — Acquiring a death certificate is important for finalizing the deceased’s affairs, including filing for life insurance claims and canceling credit cards. In some parts of the country, you’ll need to either be a relative of the deceased or prove that you have a financial interest in their death.
If you want to learn more about all the various steps to planning a funeral speak with an experienced funeral director today.