A lot of small business owners may not know how to do payroll properly. By outsourcing these duties to one of the best payroll companies out there, business owners could avoid the problem of making a mistake during payroll processing. Making a mistake could be very costly. Each year, those that did not outsource to one of the top payroll companies are assessed over eight million dollars in penalties by the IRS because of an incorrect or delinquent remittance of their federal payroll taxes.
When looking for payroll companies to outsource payroll management to, small business owners should know to selected a company with over 100 locations throughout the US. Rather than going with another company that will dump people on a call center, the ideal small business payroll services provider will be able to provide their clients with a local representative. The most professional of the payroll companies that are available can also offer payroll programs that can easily integrate with other back office processes and software, including Intacct®, Quickbooks® and other similar programs.
When asked, over 85 percent of CPAs (Certified Public Accountants) strongly recommend that small businesses consider payroll outsourcing. The expertise and skill of the top payroll companies cannot be understated in terms of value, especially if it helps to avoid costly mistakes which could cause serious harm a business.