A turbidity barrier is also referred to as a turbidity curtain, and its main job is to contain any silt or sediment that are stirred whenever construction and dredging operations are performed in the water, or near any body of water. These barriers are a necessary part of any operation that is carried out near the water because they prevent nearby open water from being polluted or otherwise compromised. Without a turbidity barrier in place, an operation may cause problems like fish kills, contamination of drinking water, and generally endanger any wildlife who may exist in the area. The goal of any construction or dredging company should be to contain these issues with the right silt curtain for the job, both in the interests of the local environment and for their own business so that they can avoid the fines associated with a lack of compliance.
One way that your business may be able to get the right turbidity barrier for the job will be to work with a company that specializes in the business of barriers for businesses and operations of varying sizes. These curtains may be constructed and supplied by specialists who are familiar with all of the requirements that a project may need to satisfy, such as compliance with the Clean Water Act and the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System. A turbidity barrier company may also be familiar with the individual state DOT regulations that your company will need to be compliant with. If your business lacks the means through which it can achieve compliance, then you may be faced with fines and penalties that could slow down or even completely stop your project from being completed.
Instead of taking your chances, choose a silt barrier that can give you the peace of mind that you need for your business. Whether you are involved in dredging, the construction of a bridge, work with dams, harbor projects, port and terminal construction or restoration, coastal restoration, or work with intakes, your turbidity barrier is going to be an essential part of the project. By ensuring your compliance, you also ensure that the rest of the operation will be going as smoothly as possible, and that the project will be completed according to its deadline. For more information, contact an oil spill response equipment supplier and find out what they may be able to do for you.