In the midst of the recent government shutdown there are many people who are wondering not only about their next paycheck, but also their future. From companies that are not able to order the weapon components that will be needed next summer to the equipment that is needed by fire and emergency services yet this winter, there are many uncertainties with agencies across the country.
No matter which side of the aisle you follow, it is difficult to ignore the fact that the government shutdown appears to be a challenge for some. And whether or not you believe that the government should be holding the country hostage as the matter of a border wall is debated, it is important to know that without weapon components and firefighting equipment many people may not have the supplies and materials that they need.
Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment Is Often More Affordable Through GSA Purchases
Finding the right price for purchases of safety equipment is sometimes easier if you are able to order through the General Services Administration (GSA), an independent agency of the U.S. government. This department was established in 1949 to help manage and support federal agencies and their basic needs. From defense contractors to fire and emergency services equipment, there are many items that are included on GSA schedule.
As the first paychecks of the new year were to arrive at the end of this week, there are families who are dealing with missed payments. Not surprising, just as there are individuals who are missing their pay, there are departments that are unable to order the supplies that they will need in the coming months. Research indicates that government buyers spent nearly $1.2 billion through the GSA Security Schedule in fiscal year 2017. When you realize that the first quarter of 2019 is being interrupted it is difficult not to wonder about how these numbers will be affected by the government shut down.
For instance, amounting to more than $1 billion in high-quality vehicles and automotive services, the GSA procures more than 65,000 vehicles every year. When these numbers are basically halted for the beginning of the first quarter of the year, the end of year totals will surely suffer.