There are so many mistakes that you can make when buying a lab refrigerator or a lab freezer. Unfortunately, many people don’t seem to realize this. This is the reason why you will buy a pharmaceutical freezer but later realize that the equipment has no value in your research office. Why? Simply because you ignored some common pitfalls that people make when buying a medical refrigerator freezer. To start with, some basic knowledge of what medical research refrigeration involves is an added advantage when looking to buy medical refrigerators and freezers. Since there are many different vaccine storage refrigerators to choose from, you need to narrow down your search results with regards to your specific refrigeration needs. Say for example, you have a medical research office with very limited amount of space. Such an office might not be able to accommodate a large-sized pharmaceutical refrigerator. In such instances, you would need to acquire an undercounter medical refrigerator that requires a relatively smaller space regardless of your refrigeration needs. It is therefore the amount of space available that led you to choose an undercounter medical refrigerator. Here are some more common mistakes that people make when choosing a biomedical refrigerator.
Choosing a Medical Freezer Solely Based on the Price
If you are in the market for a good scientific freezer, do not fixate too much on the cost of the item but rather, have a more open-minded approach when buying the medical grade refrigerator. Your list of factors to consider when choosing this important equipment should be wide enough to allow you have the right fit for your research office. Of course it is a wise idea to buy a good medical freezer such as undercounter medical refrigerator with a budget in mind. With a budget, at least you will not end up overspending on equipment that was not well worth it. If your sole focus is how much the medical freezer costs, you have your priorities mixed up. You also need to take into consideration the amount of space in your office to install a lab freezer. If you operate a busy research office, it is assumed that there is enough space for many research equipment including medical freezers. The same cannot be said for a small research or medical office. With limited space, your best option is buying an undercounter medical refrigerator that can store many medical research samples and specimens. There is also the issue of the kind of storage you are looking for in terms of refrigeration. Ask yourself whether you will be needing shelves in the freezer for better organization. Having such specific refrigeration needs would rule out an undercounter medical refrigerator as it has no such provisions.
Choosing a Medical Freezer That is Either Too Big or Too Small
The reason why some people find it challenging to choose a medical freezer is because they can hardly point out the specifics of the equipment in their lab. Before you go shopping for a good medical freezer, think about the amount of space at your disposal and also the kind of stuff you will be storing in the freezer. If you buy a refrigeration unit that is small-sized, you will end up overloading the unit in terms of refrigeration. The vice versa happens if you buy a large-sized refrigeration unit but your needs are limited to just a few samples. What happens is that when you have a medical refrigeration unit that is inconsistent with your refrigeration needs, there will be a lot of temperature fluctuation within the unit. If you have just a few samples in the unit, the temperatures will fluctuate wildly within the unit. If you overload the unit, there will not be enough air circulation within the unit creating cold and hot spots in your medical freezer. Such occurrences are what expose your substances to damage. The next time you are out shopping for a medical freezer, learn from the mistakes of others and avoid going down the same path.