In the past, large multinational corporations relied upon traditional marketing strategies to capture and retain customers for their products and services. One of the most popular of these marketing strategies consisted of placing large print advertisements in newspapers, magazines, and journals. Another one of the most popular marketing strategies consisted of placing large billboards in busy city intersections. Another one of the most popular marketing strategies consisted of showcasing products and services at a large annual or semi annual convention; the most successful companies always made sure to reserve booths and tables at those conventions which regularly attracted thousands of potential clients, customers, and investors.
These facts suggest that even in the past, it was important for a company to have creative packaging design, innovative packaging design, and eye catching packaging design. Great packaging design ensured that customers who flipped through the newspapers or magazines which contained the print ads that I mentioned earlier would stop and read the ad text. Sustainable packaging design also ensured that customers who were sitting at a red light at those busy city intersections would stop and look at the billboard. Finally, great custom packaging design and product label designs ensured that customers and potential investors who were strolling through a large annual or semi annual convention would stop and talk to the helpful representative who hoped to sell dozens of products every hour.
Today, however, digital technologies such as the internet have obviated many of these traditional marketing strategies. Companies can no longer hope to capture and retain customers using traditional marketing strategies now that the vast majority of customers learn about new products and services through social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook and through search engines such as Google.
In this changed business environment, it is even more important for a company to develop great packaging design which will arrest internet surfers’ attention. Internet users have an apparently unlimited number of websites to visit and products to purchase. A company which forgets to develop great packaging design risks being lost in the crowd. Consequently, many of the most successful companies are hiring third party designers to develop great packaging design and eye catching websites which will entice customers to purchase their clients’ products. (A few companies are designing their own packaging labels. However, most experts discourage companies from doing so because most companies lack the resources, time, energy, and expertise to develop effective packaging. These experts suggest that the company should use its resources to develop better products instead.)
The most popular companies are based in North America. Many of these companies hire employees who were trained at prestigious graphic design schools. Although most companies agree that these companies produce high quality work, some companies have complained that these companies charge an arm and a leg for their services. Some of these companies are outsourcing this labor to Asian companies which charge a fraction of the price for their services.
So why exactly are the Asian companies so much worse than the American companies?
The Asian companies might be cheap, but their work is very shoddy because the people who work there rarely receive decent training.
The Asian companies might be cheap, but their work is very shoddy because the people who work there rarely receive decent training.
The Asian companies might be cheap, but their work is very shoddy because the people who work there rarely receive decent training.
The Asian companies might be cheap, but their work is very shoddy because the people who work there rarely receive decent training.
The Asian companies might be cheap, but their work is very shoddy because the people who work there rarely receive decent training.
The Asian companies might be cheap, but their work is very shoddy because the people who work there rarely receive decent training.
The Asian companies might be cheap, but their work is very shoddy because the people who work there rarely receive decent training.
The Asian companies might be cheap, but their work is very shoddy because the people who work there rarely receive decent training.
The Asian companies might be cheap, but their work is very shoddy because the people who work there rarely receive decent training.
The Asian companies might be cheap, but their work is very shoddy because the people who work there rarely receive decent training.
The Asian companies might be cheap, but their work is very shoddy because the people who work there rarely receive decent training.
The Asian companies might be cheap, but their work is very shoddy because the people who work there rarely receive decent training.
The Asian companies might be cheap, but their work is very shoddy because the people who work there rarely receive decent training.
The Asian companies might be cheap, but their work is very shoddy because the people who work there rarely receive decent training.
The Asian companies might be cheap, but their work is very shoddy because the people who work there rarely receive decent training.
The Asian companies might be cheap, but their work is very shoddy because the people who work there rarely receive decent training.
The Asian companies might be cheap, but their work is very shoddy because the people who work there rarely receive decent training.