A traditional office space is a single, leased building that is entirely occupied by a company and its employees, but often, it is only larger businesses that can afford to do this, so a smaller business may want to explore other options for its office space, and whether big or small, a business can take advantage of the growing trend of virtual office solutions. A co-op office space, or a coop office space, is a great option for smaller businesses that cannot afford a full office lease with a furnished work space, and coworking spaces in fairly limited room is the best option for a startup, for example. A coop office space offers a number of perks for those who invest in it, and once a smaller business grows big enough, it may move on from a coop office space to a full office lease. How can different office solutions be figured out?
Why a Coop Office Space?
A coop office space can be comfortable and very practical despite its limited size, and startups and smaller businesses can comfortably make use of this arrangement. A part of a building is rented by such a client company, and cubicles are eschewed in favor of shared spaces, promoting a work culture of open and easy communication and friendly ties and partnership, giving a “collective effort” sort of vibe that would be strangled in a massive office space of cubicles. Certain desks, meeting tables, computer stations, and even the break room are shared and open for all, making the coworkers feel like a proper team with strong ties and communication to keep everything working smoothly. For a young or small business with narrow profit margins and big debts to work off, this can be a serious boon, and a coop office space can be a great first job for many of the workers who are employed there. This sort of semi-casual, community-based work space may appeal to younger workers such as Millenials or older Generation Z workers (who may often be college student interns or temps), and maybe younger Generation X workers may be interested too. It is possible that many of the workers in such a coop office space have never before worked in a traditional cubicle workspace, and different skills can be learned at a coop office space that would not emerge in a cubicle work space.
What is more, businesses big and small alike can make use of remote businesses who use a virtual office to get their work done. What does this mean? Some of the employees at a business will work not in the office building itself, bur rather, they will work remotely at their own homes or spaces like a coffee shop, and they will make use of the Internet to send and receive documents and data with their co-workers. For this reason, digitally scanning and uploading paper documents is a good idea, and this allows remote workers to easily access what they need, since they cannot easily receive physical papers remotely.
It is not just a lack of room at the office that inspires some workers to do remote work. Rather, they want to reap the many benefits of having a virtual office, and statistics show that this route is both effective and popular. It can save time, for example, since such workers are not commuting through traffic jams or busy subways. Sun Microsystems, for one, found that employees who work at home can use 60% of the time what would have been spent on commuting on the work itself. Similarly, the American Management Association found that organizations that use telework programs experience a 63% drop in rats of unscheduled absences. Remote workers can also make phone calls with customers and business clients more easily, since they will not have to deal with the noise pollution of co-workers chatting or making their own phone calls. This improves concentration, work efficiency, and reduces stress, and as a minor benefit, workers who are working remotely cannot spread a cold or other infections to their co-workers, preventing the loss of productivity associated with sick days. A small coop work space or huge office alike can make use of remote offices to great effect.