Whether you’re purchasing furniture and appliances from a business like DirectBuy or contacting your credit card company about your account, it is imperative that you have an exceptional customer experience. This is especially true if the company wants to ensure that it will have your business in the future. In order to accomplish this, the company should always be striving for customer experience improvement. Here are some things it can do to make this a reality.
It starts when the customer service representatives treat customers with respect and courtesy. “The Golden Rule” of treating others the way you would like to be treated” certainly applies here. Even more to the point, it is vital that the employees tasked with solving issues that the customers may have possess an indefatigable empathy for the clients. In other words, what can be done to make the customer experience journey as convenient and productive as possible?
The attitude of the customer service representative can also be crucial. If someone doesn’t sound as if he or she is committed to helping you fix a problem, such as checking on the status of your shipped item, you are much less likely to come away from the customer experience feeling satisfied with the company in question. While being polite certainly has something to do with the quality of the customer service in this case, it also can be greatly improved by the tone of voice the employee uses. Is he or she ebullient and positive? Or is the voice on the other end of the line monotone or otherwise uninterested?
If you have additional questions, comments, or tips regarding the customer experience journey, be sure to share them in the forum below. See this reference for more: www.youtube.com