The community often relies on the LED signs for schools to keep up with the schedule for many important events. The elementary school electronic signs, for instance, keep the community informed about the city wide Easter Egg hunts and the times when Santa will be visiting time square. The middle school and high school sign boards announce everything from varsity athletic competitions to Homecoming and Prom dances. Even during the summer, the LED signs for schools provide important community information about school registration dates, and are sometimes used for non school events as well.
In large cities there may be as many as four or five electronic signs at every intersection, but in a small town the community school districts may be the only place where marquee signs are located.
School Sign Boards Provide Important Community Information in Small Towns
Even if you do not live in a small town, it is likely that you consult a school marquee sign at some time during the day. Whether it is on the way to work or while you are on your evening walk, there is a chance that you see outdoor school signs. These spaces obviously use the room to make sure that parents know about important dates and times like parent teacher conferences and other events, but they also make sure that the entire community stays aware of the events that might be of interest even to parents who no longer have children in classrooms.
Obviously, there are many commercial uses for digital signs as well. In fact, 35% of people indicate that they would not have discovered a business had it not been for their sign. Even more than a static traditional sign or a billboard, there are many times when a moving digital sign is even more effective.
As an indicator of just how effective a sign can be, the latest research indicates that 85% of a business’s customers live or work within a five-mile radius of the business’s location. Whether it is for a school or for a business, a well placed and designed marquee can get the attention of many who pass by.