Getting bills out to people who have received medical services must be done with a certain level of detail. Getting bills out to people is never something those people will enjoy receiving. Still, this work must be done properly because the medical office needs to receive the funds for the work it has performed for people.
If you want to get started as a billing company, you can certainly do so. Your services will be in high demand, and more than a few medical offices might come calling looking for your services.
They need a company that can assist with invoicing patients who have received services.
Get some powerful accounting software and other tools of the trade that you might need to help make the work of helping a medical office with its invoicing done. Once you have those tools in hand, you can begin to offer a service like this that considerably helps others get the task of billing others. Make sure you work diligently to earn the respect and repeat business of anyone you serve. If you do that, you are well on developing the best billing company possible. That is how it is done, and that is how you can make a living.