You love getting pumped up by the walk on songs at the college baseball games. You love listening to your daughter and her friend giggle through their weekend get togethers at your house. When you are at work, however, you want to be able to concentrate.
As more and more companies experiment with open work spaces and conferences rooms that allow groups to collaborate there are many workers who struggle to focus. Although there are plenty of times when collaborative spaces can be advantageous, there are also many times when quiet work spaces are needed as well. As a result, after years of creating open work spaces there are many companies who are again finding out how to soundproof an office room. From the smaller soundproof phone booth for office spaces to more typical offices sizes, there are many times when understanding how to soundproof an office room is advantageous.
Soundproof Booths Provide a Way for Workers to Take Important Phone Calls in Large Collaborative Work Spaces
Finding a way to be productive in today’s fast paced office spaces can be a challenge. As more and more people try to find a way to make sure that they can both collaborate and get personal work space, it should come as no surprise that there are new office designs being developed every day. Quiet work pods and phone booth office designs provide opportunities for workers to get the space that they need for individual work, while never being separated from the whole group for too long.
Too much of a good thing typically turns into something that is simply mediocre. For example, a mere four years after Facebook’s grand celebration of the open office, the trend now appears to be fading. An open office culture may allow workers to always know what is going on with other workers and departments, but it can also prove distracting at times.
The latest research indicates that 73% of the U.S.’s workforce, representing nearly 100 million people, are knowledge workers who work primarily in open office environments. If your open office environments are limiting the workers in your company, perhaps it is time to reconsider how you are using your space. The addition of soundproof phone booths is one option, as is learning how to soundproof an office room that is currently used for a different purpose.
Walk up music for a batter coming to the plate can be inspirational and teenage laughter can be heartwarming, but there are plenty of times when you really enjoy quiet. Furthermore, there are plenty of times when a quiet workplace is needed. For these reasons there are many companies that are reintroducing soundproof meeting spaces and small phone booths into their open work environments.