Modular Construction: The New Way To Build
Modular construction companies now offer complete office solutions for small businesses, growing ones or those wanting to save money on overhead. Modular methods allow for speedier construction times while still maintaining quality. FMI’s 2013 Prefabrication and Modularization in Construction Survey found that 40% of contractors considered their prefab and modular construction capabilities to be part of their company’s strategic initiative.
Modular Construction Is The Future of Construction
Modular constructions reduce energy consumption during the building process by around 67% and reduce energy costs later on for occupants. A report by the Building Industry Association of Philadelphia estimates that going modular can reduce construction cost by 9% to 20%. According to the UK-based Waste and Resources Action Programme, modular construction can reduce waste materials like cement, bricks, timber, concrete, wood pallets, cardboard, and plasterboard by up to 90%.
One Chinese modular construction company recently built a 57-story building in just 19 days. Modular construction is becoming increasingly popular for business and homes. For example, Marriott International pledged to modularly construct 13% of its North American developments in 2017. Approximately 90% of engineers, 84% of contractors, and 76% of architects use prefab/modular construction processes on at least some projects. This type of construction increases efficiency both, during and after construction.
Modular Construction Explained
There are two main types of modular construction: permanent and relocatable. In 2011, prefab/modular construction was particularly popular for certain commercial applications: 49% of respondents used these processes for healthcare facilities, 42% used them for dormitories and other college buildings, and 42% used these methods to construct manufacturing facilities like inplant offices. The flexibility of modular homes components increases the overtime cost-effectiveness. Since 60% to 90% of all prefabricated construction occurs in a warehouse or factory, projects can be completed much faster when using these methods.
Examples of modular construction include modular inplant offices, modular warehouse offices, prefabricated offices, and more.
Modular construction is a great alternative for those who need quicker, more convenient and unique building designs. Investing in a modular office building or inplant offices can help reduce construction cost while saving time and energy. The process is safer, cleaner and less expensive than standard construction methods. Modular construction is also more timely than the standard construction that can be impacted by weather or resources. The prefabricated buildings will give you the flexibility and durability you need to take your design with you as your company grows. If you’re looking for a quick and unique alternative to costly, and time-consuming construction, consider having a prefabricated building created and brought to you.