Crude steel production increased from 2016 to 2017 throughout the world. In 2017, for example, 1.69 billion tonnes were produced, which represented a 3.9% increase from the prior year. Steel is a valuable commodity, and is used for a variety of construction and manufacturing processes and products.
Various Industry Uses for Steel
Steel is a versatile material, which is used to construct buildings and infrastructure. It is also utilized within the automotive industry and for mechanical equipment. This includes the manufacturing and robotics industries.
What follows are the approximate percentages of the world’s steel utilized within the aforementioned categories:
- Buildings and infrastructure: 50%
- Mechanical equipment: 16%
- Automotive industry: 13%
Recent Steel Imports and Exports
The United States imports more steel than any other country in the world. It’s important to note that a large percentage of this steel, which amounts to approximately 17%, is imported from Canada. During 2016, for example, Oxford Economics reported that 88% of Canada’s steel exports were imported by the United States. In 2017 alone, the United States’ steel imports were valued at $27 billion.
A Few Facts About Melting Steel
It takes 1370 degrees Celsius, which is the equivalent of 2500 degrees Fahrenheit, to reach steel’s melting point. Induction melting, for example, requires specific frequencies to accomplish its task. These frequencies do tend to vary, however, and may range from 50 cycles per second to 10,000 cycles per second. The former is referred to as “mains frequency,” while the latter is referred to as “high frequency.”
Speak With a Representative to Learn More
Does your company need to purchase a new or used induction forge? In addition to an induction forge, your company may also be interested in a metal melting furnace. It’s important to note that refurbished equipment is also available for purchase. Whether you need furnaces to melt copper, gold, or steel, you will be able to discuss your requirements with a representative. At that time, you may also want to learn more about available replacement parts and spare parts. Once you have all the equipment you need to operate your business at an optimal level, it would be a good idea to schedule regular maintenance inspections and other valuable services.