Cell phones have become incredibly commonplace throughout not only the entirety of the United States but in many other places all around the world to boot. Things have evolved quite a bit since the days of the flip phone, and smart phones have since taken over.
There is really no limit to what you can do on your smart phone. You can browse the web and download apps. You can buy clothing or even furniture. You can meet the potential love of your life – or just a casual fling. You can search colleges, search books to read, and manage your bank account. And, of course, you can contact customer service representative if you are having difficulties with any product or service that you might be using. In fact, up to ninety percent, if not more, of all people here in the United States are very much attached to their phones, having it beside them at all times of the day.
Customer service in the modern age has changed in many ways – but has in many others stayed the same. While the mode of customer service might differ from what it was half a century ago – or even just twenty years ago – the standards that people have for customer service are still high. In fact, more than sixty five percent of all customers in the United States alone will take their business elsewhere if they find that they have had an unsatisfactory customer service experience.
Having an after hours phone service has become a standard part of providing the best customer service possible for many different countries all throughout the United States. Having an after hours phone service will help to ensure that good customer service is able to be offered at pretty much all times of the day. And the presence of an after hours phone service meets many of the needs and expectations that customers have when reaching out for customer service of any nature.
For instance, having an after hours phone service prevents the need for an answering service to take calls. Answering services are universally disliked by customers, it seems, and it has even been found that as many as eighty percent of all potential loyal customers calling will actually simply hang up if they get an answering system instead of a live person. This shows that the vast majority will not even bother to leave a voice message and will instead just opt to call back later – if they call back at all, that is. And waiting on the line for someone to be able to talk to them is something that customers simply do not like at all, with up to three quarters of all customers actually preferring to simply be called back once a customer service representative is available, instead of just waiting on the line.
Customers also want to have their problems solved as quickly as possible. In fact, a quick solution to whatever problem they might be having is the number one reason that someone would call a live answering service or other such commercial answering services. Having an after hours phone service will provide this quick solution, and said after hours phone service will prevent people from having to call the call answering service or business answering service back at a later date – something that many people will simply neglect to do if they cannot find a solution to their problem in the current moment, on the current phone call.
Going with a cheap answering service is never advisable. After all, the right call answering service is going to be hugely beneficial in the long run. Talking to someone in person to solve their customer service needs is the preferred method of the vast majority of those seeking help with a problem with their product or service, and an after hours phone service can provide just that. For people who develop said problem outside of normal operating hours, an after hours phone service is likely to be nothing short of a godsend.