When marketing a business, it is easy to focus on the new options the internet provides, complicated issues of search engine optimization or pay per click rates. However, that focus cannot be to the exclusion of the more traditional advertising methods. Something as simple as a sign can bring in more business than one expects, and this is borne out by the data with 50% of customers saying they were brought to a business by an on property sign. Versatile options exist in this arena, with led message centers giving St. Louis business owners a platform to attract customers with sales and special events with brightly colored lights. For those that need convincing, here are three reasons to look into digital sign solutions.
- Build Visibility: To let customers in the surrounding area know about the presense of your business, what better way than an eye catching digital display? Since 35% of people would not know your business was located where it is without a sign, make the sign as noticeable as you can with led message centers.
- Relevant Information: When you can update your sign on an as needed basis, there is no danger of a customer responding to a sale that has already passed or missing the details of an interesting current event. Unlike other advetising mediums, such as radio or television, a digital sign can be updated daily with enticements for potential customers. This is a good thing, what with an IBM study showing that possibly 72% of customers respond to the message on a digital sign as long as they are within sight of that businesses location.
- More Than Just Advertising: With led message centers, it is easy to recognize employee achievement and boost company morale. It can even bring money on its own if you were to allow other business to purchase advertising on your sign.
Clearly, the uses of digital signage have great value to a business. They offer versatility and have great ability to draw new customers, as well as cementing the loyalty of your existing customer base. Given all of that, the only question then becomes why are you not contacting a St. Louis sign company to inquire about digital outdoor business signs.