When you are looking into different power cords, you might not know the difference between them. Keep reading to learn more about what c5 power cords are.
These power cords connect electricity for commercial and residential uses. They can come in different colors to help you distinguish between their uses.
This is incredibly important in data storage, where you can get cables mixed up. This can result in taking out the wrong cord and losing information. If you have a data storage company, make sure you’re getting multi-colored power cords like the c5.
You can also get power adapters that allow these cords to plug into different outlets. The c14 to c5 power adapter is great for all the different cord connections in between! It’s rated for 10 amps and 240 volts. You can essentially change something like a c13 cord to a c5 cord.
To learn more about the power cord adapters, make sure to watch the video linked in this article. You might not know much about power cord adapters. This video can help make you knowledgeable. Then you can call a power cord company in your area. They can teach you more about power cords and adapters.