How many uses can one find for a steel cargo container? As it stands — quite a few! Our globalized industry is always looking for effective and durable means of transporting and shielding goods from damage or the elements and nowhere is that more clear than steel shipping containers. However, lay aside the notion that a steel cargo container can only be used for transport! They can be modified in a variety of ways to fit a plethora of different needs, turning into office spaces or garages with a few simple touches. If you’ve considered investing in a steel cargo container for your small or large business, read below to learn a little more about the shipping industry and how it can be altered to suit your needs.
Did You Know?
Let’s start off the list with a few fun facts. When it comes to value, the global seaborne container trade is believed to account for a whopping 60% of all world seaborne trade! This amounted to nearly six trillion U.S. dollars back in 2010, which is nothing to say of recent years. Everything from food to goods need to be transported across the world and back again due to an increasingly globalized industry and steel cargo containers make sure it can happen and in style. This can even translate into working environments, which need to be modified constantly to suit the needs of the workforce.
Working Environments
A steel cargo container can be more than just a shipping device — it can be a working environment! Workers in two-person offices took an average of 50% more sick leave than those in single offices, compared to those who worked in fully open offices averaging 62% or more. This trend has been analyzed heavily by economic representatives keen on bringing out the best in any and all workforces. Another study involving over 2,400 people found that, as the number of people per single room went up, so too did the employees that took sick leave.
Now how about steel cargo containers and how they relate to shipping? According to available data from the World Shipping Council, the United States is the world’s largest importing power, bringing in an impressive 17 million TEUS back in 2010. For comparison you can look at China, who follows close behind at 12 million TEUS. However, the World Shipping Council has also found China to be the largest exporting power worldwide, shipping a stunning 31 million TEUS a few years back compared to the United States’ 11 million TEUS.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way! Steel cargo containers are lauded for their flexibility in meeting the demands of countless people across the globe. As of now there are around 20 million containers crossing the world, with a single container ship engine having around 1,000 times more power than a family car. If you need another point of comparison concerning how massive the shipping industry is, look no further than the United Kingdom — believe it or not, it accounts for more GDP than restaurants, takeaway food and civil engineering combined.
Steel Cargo Containers
Shipping is 90% of the world’s trade. As such, it’s imperative to choose the most quality materials to ensure everything arrives in one piece. The container market is projected to grow by at least 5% within the next few years, so now has never been a better time to buy used storage containers or cargo container modifications. These include, but are certainly not limited to, windows, doors, shelves, lighting fixtures and container paintings. Used steel storage containers for sale can be just as savvy as a new model, saving you both time and money in the long run. Whatever you decide to use a steel cargo container for, you can rest assured it’s money well spent.