Interested in new shipping containers for sale? If not, you may want to consider learning about the benefits of the mobile office. A space is designed, first and foremost, to function to the furthest of its ability. It’s a way to encourage productivity in an increasingly cramped and busy modern environment. Shipping containers, as a result, have risen in popularity for their unique ability to add flexibility on top of basic form and function, able to be customized at the drop of a hat and fill a variety of needs.
What Are Shipping Containers Used For?
Think this a common question? Think again. Shipping containers, naturally, are used to distribute and protect a wealth of goods across both the land and the sea. That’s far from the only thing they can do, though! They’re capable of being turned into mobile offices, studio spaces and even concession stands with just a few adjustments.
How Commonly Are They Used?
Time for some fun facts! There are an estimated 675 shipping containers lost at sea every year, a testament to their widespread usage, and studies have shown at least 17 million shipping containers in regular circulation on a global front. The number of active shipping containers? At least five million. Collectively they make around 200 million trips every year, thanks to ongoing surveys by Billie Box.
How Large Are They?
One of the best things about new shipping containers for sale are the variety of sizes they come in. A standard TEU container can hold at least 3,500 shoe boxes, with a 40 ft high cube holding more than 8,000. Over 95% of the world’s cargo moves by ship, so it just makes financial sense to use these containers to the furthest of their ability.
What Are They Made Out Of?
Due to their need to be as durable and long-lasting as possible, most shipping containers are made out of steel. When regularly maintained they can last a whopping 20 years, according to studies by Container Auction. You won’t have to worry about losing money when you invest in mobile office containers!
How Can They Be Customized?
Thinking of crafting some small office spaces? How about portable concession stands? The sky’s the limit for cargo container modifications. They can have doors, windows and basic lighting installed on top of carpet, furniture and basic air conditioning. Even better are the eco-friendly properties that come with new shipping containers for sale — studies have shown each recycled shipping container reuses a stunning 3,500 kgs worth of steel. They also save traditional materials, such as bricks and wood, from being overused!
How Can I Craft A Useful Space?
Here are a few tips you can keep in mind when modifying your new shipping containers for sale. Studies of both IT and accounting workers by researchers at the University of California found out employees switch their focus from one project to another at an average of ten minutes or so. They also had a tendency to be interrupted during half of all their given segments or projects. Creating a clean and efficient space reduces the possibility of distraction, as well as the concentration issues and anxiety levels that accompany clutter. Remember that spaces can be customized on the fly, as well, so if you need a new window or a better carpet there’s little stopping you from turning your new shipping container into the ideal space.