The Youtube channel, Execulifecoach, briefly describes how investing in executive coaching companies can help increase business productivity by providing a helpful growing environment.
To understand what executive coaching is, we first must grasp what it is not. A coach is only human and won’t know all the answers right off the bat.
In that case, it is not the role of the coach to advise, fix, or tell the business how to get from point A to B in an immediate way. Neither is coaching performance management in nature.
A successful business will look at things going in the right direction, so coaching isn’t therapy. Executive coaching can result in dramatic and swift results, in contrast to therapy which takes much longer to achieve goals.
What an executive coach does is provide a confidential thinking space that allows clients to effectively mobilize the resources they already have, enabling the client to achieve the goals they’ve laid out for themselves.
By carefully listening to the client’s current situation and desires, an executive coach provides an environment that’s both highly supportive and challenging, which can provide a return on investment that equals up to seven times the initial investment.