The newest group at your church is motivated. In an effort to not only help their fellow congregation members not only recycle but also make other environmentally friendly efforts, they have scheduled a meeting to inform community members about the latest efforts by two local water treatment companies. In the past, they have also hosted events that have featured groundwater contamination remediation services that have gone on in the state. And while the conversations about the recycling efforts in a home can seem simple in comparison to the discussions about water treatment companies’ practices, the newest church group has decided that they really want to cast a wide net when it comes to helping more people in the church be better about making environmentally friendly decisions.
Whether you are part of a church group or community service project the tis trying to educate local residents about the efforts of water treatment companies in the area, or you are simply trying to help get a neighborhood glass recycling project, it is important to make sure that you follow your passion. In a time of partisan politics and large corporation policies, it can seem at times that no one is looking out for our Planet Earth. With the help of the latest groundwater management techniques and renewed efforts by newly designed water treatment companies and their plants, there is some encouraging news. Any good news, however, is often tampered by just how big the remaining efforts will need to be.
Youth Are the Nation’s Greatest Resource
Fortunately, although there might be a lot of members of the older generation who fall into the category of bing climate change deniers, there are also a growing number of teenagers, and children even younger, who are determined to be the voice of Mother Earth. From promoting recycling efforts in their own homes and at their own schools to protesting dirty policies, this next generation’s voice is growing so strong in some parts of the world that it is impossible to ignore. Some people were not surprised, in fact, when Time Magazine named teenager Greta Thunberg as their 2019 Person of the Year.
By skipping school in her native home of Sweden, Thunberg began a global movement by skipping school in August of 2018. In an effort to bring attention to the climate change crisis she spent her days camped out in front of the Swedish Parliament, instead of in her assigned seat in her classroom. Holding a sign painted in black letters on a white background that in English translated into “School Strike for Climate,” she captured the attention of not only the government officials in her country, but the youth of the world. In the 16 months following her initial demonstration she has addressed heads of state at the U.N. and traveled across the country to share her plea.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the many concerns that the younger generation has when it comes to protecting the water resources of the world:
- Before the treated wastewater is disinfected and discharged into local waterways, the primary and secondary waste treatments remove nearly 85% to 95% of pollutants from the wastewater.
- Ground water accounts for more than 95% of the available fresh water resources in this nation, and is the drinking water source for half the people in this country.
- It is important to remember that only 1% of the Earth’s water is suitable for drinking, so it is important to make sure that water is protected.
- Unfortunately, approximately 16,000 chemical spills occur from trucks, trains, and storage tanks each year. The fact that often these spills when materials are being transferred is an indicator that there needs to be tighter regulations on a number of industries.
- Even scarier is the fact that nearly 70% of the industrial waste is dumped into the water bodies where they pollute the usable water supply.
- Greta Thunberg and other impassion ate youth seek to remedy the fact that more than 80% of the most serious hazardous waste sites in the U.S. have adversely impacted the quality of nearby ground water.
Currently, there are three basic technologies for removing Perfluorooctanesulfonic (PFOS/PFOA) from water: granulated activated carbon, non-regenerating synthetic resins, and regenerating synthetic resins.