Real estate, despite what you may have heard, is far from dead.
In fact, it may just be hitting its highest peak. More American families and individuals than ever are wanting to know about their options when it comes to home ownership, with each state boasting its own unique features, landscapes and prices. When you also factor in all the new businesses, large companies and individuals who need to rent space? Your work will be cut out for you. Learning how to craft the ideal lease rate means not just keeping a close eye on industry figures, but reaching out to people who are asking all the right questions.
When you invest in commercial leasing, you invest in afuture.
What’s the state of real estate today? According to recent estimates, it’s looking pretty good. A common strain of thought is that the younger generation is less interested in owning homes, for reasons ranging from low budgets to a reduced interest in the lifestyle, but the fact of the matter is much different. A Real Estate Investing Report found over 50% of Millennials being actively interested in real estate. Not only was this a high figure in of itself, it was the highest percentage of all demographics questioned.
Why is this? A frequent reason brought up by many is the desire for additional freedom. Owning a home is more than just putting down roots, but a means to live one’s best life in a supportive community. Investing in commercial property is a boon for both real estate agents and individuals who are falling out of touch with luxury apartments, allowing both parties to meet in the middle with interest to spare. Investment in American commercial real estate surged over 80% in 2015 alone. For those that want to learn more about the function of a lease rate in general, other commercial properties can prove useful.
It’s not just homeowners reaching out to real estate. Business owners, entrepreneurs and students all have a keen interest in cultivating a space of their own to work. According to additional U.S. Census data, the span between December of 2014 and December of 2017 saw spending on office-related construction increasing 40%. This same time span also saw a hotel-related construction increase of 60%. Office demand was particularly strong in the third quarter of 2017, with the tight employment market involving office-using industries fueling some of these higher tenant interests.
With leasing activity boasting a record two-year high of over 60 million square feet, there’s a lot to learn. Back in 2016 it’s thought as much as $75 billion worth of commercial buildings were put in place across the country. This ranges from smaller offices for new start-ups to large buildings to help companies expand. Even studio space for students is seeing a surge, as more people than ever are attempting to go back to school and achieve their degree in today’s rapidly evolving world. What does this mean for your commercial property investments?
The triple net lease investment has a few requirements. The triple net lease is a type of lease rate agreement on a property in which the lessee agrees to pay what’s called the ‘three nets’. These are real estate taxes, building insurance and maintenance. Investors involved in a triple net lease investment need to be accredited, with an accompanying net worth of at least $1 million. This excludes the value of their primary residence, also framed under $200,000 of yearly income. This lease rate is often preferred for being a very thorough method for both sides of the fence.
The demand for commercial real estate industry services is only continuing to grow. For the five years leading up to 2017 the industry experienced a yearly growth of nearly 4%, meaning it’s never been a better time to get involved in the benefits of triple net leasing. The triple net lease is a reliable, layered and smart way of getting people the property they need to live their best life, which is nothing to say of the additional income you can gain from the long-time investment.
What does 2018 hold for you and your future clients?