Often, there is a need in certain sectors — largely those that have to do with construction — for modular housing solutions. Modulation housing solutions, as the name suggests, provide “housing” — whether that is actual housing or perhaps a work environment like an office — that is temporary and easily portable. There is often a need for buildings like these on construction sites, but the fact is that there is both no point in no need to build an additional building simply to accommodate people during a construction project that is, by nature, temporary. Temporary housing and buildings are needed, and the great thing about modular housing solutions is that they can easily be moved. With that being said, some worry about the cost involved with modular housing. This is why many modular housing companies offer solutions in the form of repurposed shipping containers. Repurposed shipping containers are in a sense recycling old material and turning it into new material. By turning shipping containers into modular housing solutions, you can get the most space and usability for your money, while at the same time being able to easily move your modular housing when a project is finished. Below, we’ll look into how shipping containers work as modular housing solutions.
How Quickly Can Shipping Containers Be Repurposed?
A major concern, especially in the construction industry, is time management. You don’t want to wait a long time for your modular housing to be built, and when it’s made from scratch even modular housing can take a long time. A shipping container is an object that already exists and merely needs to be repurposed. It needs to be added to, rather than built up. Therefore, the wait time on a modular housing order that is made from repurposed shipping containers may be shorter than that of an order that is built from scratch. In fact, building a housing structure out of a shipping container usually takes just two to three weeks, compared to a brick and mortar structure which takes three to four months. A modular home in general can arrive just one to two weeks after an order. The repurposing process isn’t that complicated, and in fact some people convert shipping containers into housing structures with more permanent homes in mind. Certainly, turning a shipping container in a modular structure meant for temporary use won’t take long.
What Are The Benefits Of Choosing A Repurposed Shipping Container As A Modular Housing Structure?
As mentioned before, repurposed shipping containers are, in essence, recycled. They’re made from 85% recycled steel and can easily be reused after you’re done with them. In fact, by reusing a single 40-foot container, you’re upcycling about 3,500 kilograms of steel, which saves about 8,000 kWh that would otherwise have needed to be melted down for a new structure. Another great thing about shipping containers being repurposed is that they are inherently already mobile, as well as stackable, durable, and weather-resistant. They require no foundation, and can last up to 25 years. Most containers are retired well before they need to be, after just 10 to 15 years of use. Why not get the most out of them and repurpose them? Of course, understandably, with many construction projects it comes down to the bottom line.
How Cost Efficient Are Repurposed Shipping Containers?
Shipping containers are cost-effective solutions, especially at construction sites. In fact, some sites have estimated that shipping containers lead to a 40% reduction in costs, compared to traditional modular housing solutions. Therefore, there is little reason why construction sites shouldn’t use repurposed shipping containers.