Finding the perfect job can be frustrating and tiring, and many people end up in careers they really don’t enjoy because they just can’t find something that fits them well. On top of that, there are many underrated careers that don’t get a lot of attention, so folks who would have loved getting into them won’t because they’re not aware of them. If you’re on the lookout for a new job or want to make a change to your current career, we’ll be looking at over 20 underrated careers and one of them might just be the job you’ve been looking for!
These careers are in no particular order, so you can just take note of the ones you like most and appeal to the career dreams you have. Let’s dive right in, shall we?
Property Manager
One of the most underrated careers you’ll find is working with a property management service as a property manager. You’ll be in charge of increasing property values while satisfying tenant requirements. Additionally, you’ll be responsible for managing and preparing budgets, setting rental rates, enforcing and negotiating lease agreements, and addressing tenant complaints. Property managers have to run credit checks and interview potential tenants as well. As a property manager, you may also have to prepare reports on properties and their financial performance.
Paralegal/Legal Assistant
If you’re interested in a legal career, you should consider being a paralegal or legal assistant. You’ll need an associate’s degree in paralegal studies and you’ll work for a law firm. As a legal assistant, it will be your responsibility to support other lawyers, and you’ll have to organize and maintain files while also conducting legal research. It may also be expected of you to draft documents and, although this may seem like a pseudo-lawyer job, it’s quite interesting and pretty well-paying.
Escrow Officer
Many underrated careers involve being the assistant of another professional and folks tend to forget the importance of these jobs. An escrow officer will work with a full service escrow business and handle responsibilities such as the preparation of deeds and communication with clients about relevant instructions. Other responsibilities can include managing the flow of important transaction records like property deeds, taxes, property title fees, titles, and statements. Escrow officers typically work directly with clients and need to maintain clear and effective communication.
Metal Fabricator
Custom sheet metal fabrication is an important part of manufacturing, but careers in this direction are very often overlooked and completely forgotten. Metal fabricators make metal components and structures and they normally work at construction sites or in manufacturing plants. You’ll use many different tools to build metal-based assembly components, and if that sounds like an interesting career to you, you should definitely consider becoming a metal fabricator.
Loan Officer
You can’t discuss underrated careers without mentioning options like loan officers. If you like helping people and enjoy crunching numbers, this could be just the job you want. Loan officers are meant to help people apply for loans for big purchases like cars, houses, and college tuition. Typically, loan officers are employed by credit unions, savings institutions, and commercial banks, but you may find work at any financial institution. Some of the most popular loan officer roles include being a consumer loan officer or mortgage loan officer.
Financial Advisor
While we’re on the financial topic, you have many other options to choose from as well, such as getting busy with financial resources for farmers. If you value agriculture and want to help farmers obtain loans, you’re going to want to pursue the career of a financial advisor with a focus on farmers. You’ll be expected to not only analyze but also understand market trends and then give your clients sound financial advice based on different financial indicators. It can be a thankless job, but it’s very rewarding when you get your clients the money they need to succeed.
Market Research Analyst
Generally speaking, analysts fall under one of the most underrated careers because people don’t always appreciate how rewarding and well-paying such jobs can be. As a market research analyst, you need to collect and evaluate data so you can make accurate recommendations to businesses when it comes to consumer purchasing. You’ll likely be expected to have a bachelor’s degree in marketing so you can understand the industry better.
Crew Lead
Foundation repair businesses need to employ many different people with various skills to get the job done, and they need crew leads to oversee projects. As a crew leader, you’ll have to manage the progress of the projects you’re assigned and make sure it’s finished on time. You also need to ensure you’re staying within budget and if any contract disputes or similar problems pop up, you’ll have to handle them carefully and professionally.
Software Engineer
Software engineering is also one of the more underrated careers because it’s not always obvious how satisfying and interesting these careers can be. Software engineers need to research, design, develop, and maintain new software systems. These systems can be for many types of industries, including science and medicine. You may need a bachelor’s degree (or higher) as well as relevant experience to land the ideal job as a software engineer.
Lecithin Manufacturer
Lecithin is a thickening agent found in many foods, including those chocolate spreads that folks like so much. If you want to work for a lecithin manufacturing company (or perhaps even own one), you’ll find yourself working in one of the more underrated careers out there. Although lecithin is an important ingredient, few people actually know about its existence and how it’s made. This may not be the career for everyone, but it’s definitely an interesting option for anyone seeking a unique direction in their work life.
Can you imagine a life without plumbers? Of course not! Plumbers aren’t appreciated nearly enough, especially if they’re able to offer hydro jet plumbing services. Hydro jet plumbing is a method that uses pressurized streams of water to clear blockages in pipes. This method can also help to clear out buildup inside the pipes and prevent future blockages. If you’re interested in becoming a plumber, you should consider this unique branch of the industry—it can pay pretty handsomely.
If you enjoy storing important documents and making sure they stay in good condition, you can consider a career as an archivist. Your responsibilities will include evaluating and managing documents and records that have historical value. Many of these records and documents are priceless, so you need a gentle hand to take care of them. You will have to maintain these materials and sometimes handle them for researchers who need the information recorded on them.
Flight Attendant
Although most people know about flight attendant jobs, not everyone realizes just how awesome this career can be. You’ll be able to fly to all sorts of interesting locations, depending on the airline you work for, which can be a lot of fun. Although you’ll have to deal with all kinds of passengers, helping nervous and scared people enjoy their flight is highly rewarding.
High Pressure Compressor Manufacturer
If you want a really unique career, why not go into high pressure compressor manufacturing? That’s definitely not something that many people know about, but this kind of career is important. Many professionals need high-pressure compressors, and if you’re able to manufacture high-quality, reliable options for them, you’ll always have loyal buyers.
Living a healthy lifestyle is often far easier said than done, and dietitians are actually really important for anyone hoping to live healthily. If you enjoy all aspects of healthy living, you may love this kind of work. You’ll have to know the nutritional value of food and understand medical nutrition therapy to be a dietitian. Knowing how to use food to help patients with food allergies, cancer, and diabetes is important as well. If that sounds right up your alley, you’ll love this job.
Do you love the law and really understand it on a deep level? Then you can become an attorney and work with clients who don’t have that understanding and need legal support. There are so many directions to take when it comes to being an attorney that you’ll almost be spoilt for choice. One of the more underrated careers when it comes to the legal world has to be working as a local mergers and acquisitions attorney. It’s quite a specialized field and many people aren’t even aware of it until they need the services of one!
Insurance Agent
Working as an insurance agent may sound a bit boring to one person, but it could be the best job ever for another. It all depends on the things you like, and if you enjoy working with contracts and crunching numbers, you may find a lot of satisfaction in being an insurance agent. You’ll have to understand elements like annuities, mutual funds, and securities, but you’ll always have work to do and clients to help out with insurance needs.
Pest Controller
Think about the last time you had a really bad pest issue. If you’re lucky enough to have been able to avoid this kind of issue, be grateful, because it sucks. Do you remember the appreciation you felt towards the pest controller that helped you out? Do you want that kind of appreciation for your work and aren’t afraid of critters? Then you should consider working with pest control companies as an expert who knows how to deal with pests effectively. It may not be for everyone, but those who enjoy it are very satisfied with their careers.
Dental Hygienist
Dental hygienist jobs are actually becoming more popular because people are far more concerned with their dental health than they used to be. You can work for a private dental practice and earn a good salary while helping to make people’s smiles brighter every day!
Fire Fighter
Who doesn’t dream of being a hero and saving the lives of countless people? While most of us are leaving those dreams to be nothing more than daydreaming, firefighters are constantly out there saving lives. If you’re in great physical condition and think you have what it takes to be one, then you should go right ahead! The world always needs more brave heroes.
Sound Engineer
If you love music and have always taken note of the sound quality of really good live concerts or movies, you’ll find that being a sound engineer is just the thing for you! Sound engineers work with technicians, composers, and editors to bring audiences the best audio experience possible. You can work with bands, advertising companies, filming studios, TV channels, radio stations, and many other organizations and earn quite a lot of money.
Civil Engineer
Planning roads, tunnels, bridges, and other parts of cities sounds like an easy task, but it’s far more complicated than many people expect. There are many factors to consider, and if you find this kind of work fascinating, you can join the underrated career of civil engineering. You’ll need a bachelor’s degree in engineering and can expect to get paid a very nice salary for your hard work.
Becoming a successful writer is not easy, but there are many writing careers you can dive into if that’s your passion. While people appreciate famous writers like Stephen King and Agatha Christie, writing careers, in general, is highly underrated. There are many brilliant writers making a good living without getting that kind of renown. You may not become as famous, but you can still earn good money if you’re talented and dedicated enough.
We’ve looked at some of the most underrated careers in the world, and if any of them spoke to you, you may have found the key to your career happiness. Once you know how to qualify for the career you want, it’s time to start building the right skills so you can chase your dreams and become a happier person. What are you waiting for? Go for it!