Have you ever wondered where all that money you lose over credit card transactions go to? And maybe how that money could’ve helped you and your household over certain necessities? This video tells you why you need to use EZ pay or other cash discount program over credit cards. It tells you how you can…
Day: July 23, 2021
A Day in The Life of a Landscape Contractor
Have you ever been curious about what a typical day in the life of a landscape contractor is like? Well here is a brief rundown of one. When there is a site to evaluate, everything needs to be looked at including drainage. It is important to make sure that all drains and pumps are kept…
How to Rank Higher on Google Maps
If you are a business owner, you understand the importance of having a quality website in order to drive online traffic to your to you and your business. But did you know you can also drive traffic to your business on Google maps? If your business has a physical location, then you could benefit from…
Why You Should Be Using Prefabricated Offices
Traditional wall dividers are dull and unchanging, with no potential for creativity. They do not provide employees with a flexible workplace that may be opened for collaboration or closed for privacy. Workers are deprived of a flexible open, or enclosed workplace that allows them to collaborate or focus on their job alone. On the other…