If you have a grease trap at your place of business, you should consider some tips for maintaining this equipment according to local laws and regulations for safety. Most places like restaurants are required to have a grease trap for requirements of wastewater management. Grease trap pumping cleans out grease and food waste before it enters the water system to prevent clogged sewer lines and contamination. The size of the grease trap required depends on the size of the restaurant, or how many seats are available for dining.
There are many options for grease trap pumping, and using a company that sends a service truck is an ideal option. The company will take care of draining your grease trap for you, to be sure the job is done safely and properly. Reducing fats, oils and grease will help stop backups from happening, and grease trap pumping on a regular basis includes scraping the sides of the tank to be sure all residue is gone. It may be smart to have this service done twice a year at least to be sure you’re grease trap can remain in quality condition.