Mr. Waldo Lonsbury Semon, a researcher at the B.F. Goodrich Company, was the inventor of plasticized polyvinyl chloride, which he created in the year 1926. The first 2 vinyl products ever to be produced were shoe heels, and golfballs. Today, thousands of different items are made from vinyl, including shower curtains, floor mats, banners, wiring, and floor tiles. Vinyl can be manufactured in a huge variety of colors, ranging from transparent to opaque. It is used extensively in the housing and medical industries, due to the fact that it is durable, strong, resistant to moisture, and relatively inexpensive for manufacturers to produce.
If your business uses vinyl coated fabric, laminate fabric, printable vinyl sign material, or any of the other popular types of vinyl coated fabrics, you should be glad to know that there are some fantastic providers of vinyl fabrics and industrial PVC products on the world wide web that can get you hooked up with a huge variety of different kinds vinyl coated fabric. Best of all, you can find great prices online for vinyl coated fabrics, provided by companies with great track records in terms of customer service, and decades of experience. Check out prices for vinyl coated fabrics online, and see if you can save your business some money on your materials expenses.