The middleman is an important aspect of any successful transaction.
This defines a simple purchase at the grocery store to the more complex custom commission for a new business setting up shop in the city. Your warehouse is no different. Housing your products and transferring them wherever they’re needed, warehouse efficiency is the difference between saving money and spending far more than you’re prepared to give. Before you go about entering into an office lease agreement it’s suggested you learn more about leasing a warehouse and all that entails.
Set yourself up for success by covering the basics of warehouse ownership.
Today’s warehouse looks very different than just a few decades ago. Not only are more businesses seeing the benefits of leasing over owning, warehouse productivity has enjoyed the benefits of new technology. Since 2000 the amount of occupied distribution and warehouse space have both increased by an impressive 85%, which is only expected to increase as business gets more competitive. Not only do customers want their products as soon as possible, workers and businessowners want to enjoy a seamless work environment. Can you have it all?
With the right approach and distribution warehouse space, absolutely. Today over 165,000 men and women in the United States work in both storage and warehouse leasing, ranging from providing logistics to providing consultation to businesses interested in leasing a warehouse. Lakeland is one such area strategically located in the very center of the state, with over eight and a half million people living within a 100-mile radius. This makes it easier for businesses to operate locally, doubly so when they go about leasing retail space to house their equipment. Whether you’re in the medical industry or manufacturing, commercial warehousing is how you keep everything in order.
E-commerce is growing at an unprecedented rate. Recent estimates expect it to rise at an annual average rate of 10% over the next five years alone, with incredible opportunities for owners as well as developers of warehouse space. Finding a warehouse to rent is just as much about location as it is about pricing, so taking the initiative this year and leasing a warehouse will do a lot to ease some stress off your shoulders. It’ll give you a base of operations to fall back on and plenty of space to work out the kinks in your business. What should you look for in an industrial rental warehouse?
Location, of course. Plenty of space, additionally. A warehouse that’s incompatible with your storage needs is only going to create more problems down the road, which is before you start looking into technology to help you keep things organized. A common tool people are using these days are custom warehouse logistics software designed to track times, prices, dates, errors and recent changes on a rolling basis. In fact, this addition is considered so useful it can actually save you money in the long-term through less labor.
Now for a refresher. Commercial warehousing is on the rise because businesses are embracing the wisdom that comes with accepting the middleman, rather than viewing it as just another chore. A good warehouse should have a convenient location to be more accessible to your workers as well as save on transportation costs. Adding custom warehouse software into the mix will also help you reap the full benefits of leasing a warehouse. If you have any more questions, reaching out to a warehouse agent will clear up all the little details and get you on the fast track to success.
Embrace the middleman. See how a warehouse lease can improve your business from the inside out.