It’s no secret that people are more productive when they’re happier and not dreading going into work. Yet all over the country, countless unhappy office drones head to work. In fact, with a growing economy, there are more of these drones every day. In the first six months of 2017, the value of private office construction was $6.6 billion and counting. That is a ton of office space that people are — and will be — occupying.
The property management companies in charge of these commercial real estate spaces have it in their best interest to design spaces that will make occupants want to be there. Why? If no one wants to be in your rental properties, make lease arrangements, or buy property for sale, you’re losing vast amounts of money.
Good property management ensures that people will want to actually be on/in your properties. For this reason, we’ve put together some important office space design points that are essential to cultivating a physically welcoming office environment.
Don’t isolate people
We’re inherently social beings, so it doesn’t make sense to design space that purposely separates people from one another. Of course, some private workspaces are essential, but a balance between collaborative workspace and individualized environments must be found. Workers are teams for a reason, and your workspace should welcome that fact while simultaneously respecting different work styles.
Natural, soft light
Blue light isn’t good for the eyes and can induce stress. Harsh fluorescent lighting is a torment of the past and, jumping off the previous point, overly closed off workspaces isolate human beings and keep out the sunlight. When you think about it, we’re not unlike office plants — we need the right amount of sun and water to thrive. Open your office spaces to healthy amounts of natural light and it will take away any feelings akin to working in a cave.
Does all this sound too simplistic? It’s not. Work is a fact of life, yet many companies don’t consider the space in which their entire workforce will spend a great deal of time. Making an investment in these details will make the space better for everyone. Designing pleasing spaces is actually one of the wisest things you can do in property management. People-first building design is what we’re here for, and we think you’ll love it.