Here in the United States, matters of job retention are looking quite dire indeed, something that Dallas temp agencies and temp agencies all throughout the country can attest to. Of course, it’s not just temp agencies that see how detrimental this can be, nor just Dallas temp agencies. Companies all throughout the country are struggling with employees leaving their jobs, and many are utilizing the help of a local staffing company or recruiting agency to help make up for their dwindling workforce. In many ways, these Dallas temp agencies and other such temp services have become more important in today’s world than ever before in history – at least here in the United States.
But while utilizing Dallas temp agencies and the like can serve as a successful stop gap until a permanent employee is found – after all, there are as many as three million people, if not even more than that, working for various temp agencies and staffing companies, including Dallas temp agencies, at the current date – a more permanent solution must also be considered. If one is not, the problem of employee retention is likely to continue on. Already, more than one fifth of all newly hired people will leave the role in which they were hired within less than two months after starting the job. Millennials have even become known as the job hopping generation here in the United States, with up to 60% of them more than willing to leave their current job for a better one as soon as the opportunity presents itself.
Fortunately, there are a number of steps that companies can take to reduce the rate at which new hires are leaving – and even to avoid the use of Dallas temp agencies. For one thing, extending the hiring process out to ensure that the right candidate is found is a useful step, and one that might seem time consuming in the process but will more than pay off at the end of the day. In addition to this, a more extensive onboarding process can also be helpful, as this will help new hires to feel more than prepared for the role that they are about to fill. In fact, employees who go through such a process have increased chances of as much as 58% of still being with the company after a period of three years has passed by. This shows quite clearly how thorough and properly done onboarding can help people to feel better equipped to handle a role and happier in that role to begin with (and likely as a result of this as well).
In addition to this, implementing employee recognition programs can also be hugely helpful. After all, a scant 20% or so of all employees in the workforce today actually feel that their boss supports them up to the standards that they expect – and that this boss or superior is encouraging them to do their best work. Having an employee recognition program in place can at least help, in part, to rectify this problem. After all, up to 86% of all companies that put such programs into place have noticed an increase in overall employee happiness, something that is likely to lead to an improved work performance and a higher level of productivity as well.
And still there is more that companies throughout the country are able to do. Including more diversity in the workplace can also be hugely beneficial – and is something that the data gathered on the subject now more than backs up. In fact, companies that are gender diverse will actually outperform similar companies that are not gender diverse – often by as much as a full 15% or so. The same can be said for the companies that have incorporated ethnic diversity, as this will lead to the ability to outperform other companies, sometimes by even as much as a full 35%, which is a truly impressive number by just about any standards, to say the very least.
There is no denying that employee retention is a problem in the United States, but there are ways it can be solved.