Performing a background check on a potential employee can help save you a lot of headaches. When you expose your company to the troubles that can come from employing somebody, you are not sure about, you may end up having a string of issues that result. Some of these problems can even affect people who had nothing to do with the hiring process at all. The right and fair thing to do—for all involved—is to perform a thorough background check using a screening company.
The primary advantage of an e verify employment eligibility verification background check service is that it makes hiring problems involving dishonest employees much less likely. A thorough check using pre employment screening services dissuades fake applicants, who may drop out to avoid being exposed, and exposes dishonest applicants who choose to try anyway to game the system. A background check can save your company from a lawsuit by getting rid of applicants with a history of criminal actions of drug abuse. However, you must conduct a background check thoughtfully. Many aspects of employee privacy are covered by the law, and violating an applicant’s rights may expose you to legal issues.
An e verify employment eligibility verification professional background check may show you that the applicant is applying for a position using a false identity. It may also include a Social Security check, verifying an applicant’s I-9 Form — or his right to work in the United States — and a search using homeland security databases from around the world.
Experience and Education
A background check also checks to make sure that the applicant really attended the schools on his resume and that he really earned any degrees and licenses that he says he did. It also verifies things said about his work experience. Some of these include whether he worked there at all, how long he was employed there, how happy his employers were with the way he did his job, his role at the company, how much he made and any career advancement.
Criminal Background
Laws regulating criminal background checks and e verify employment eligibility verification for prospective employees are different from state to state. You should hire a lawyer for guidance. You can’t get arrest record information that’s more than seven years old even though it’s public knowledge. You can, however, search for convictions for previous crimes. A background check, as well as e verify employment eligibility verification, can show data from things such as driving records with a company car or truck, lawsuits that happened less than seven years ago, sex offender information for applicable jobs, and convictions on the county, state or federal level. Drug and alcohol tests can help point out applicants that deal with substance abuse or alcoholism issues.
Financial Information
The Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act thoroughly protects an employee’s history of paid tax liens as well as any collections data that is from a period longer that seven years ago — but only if you happen to hire a consumer reporting agency to help you collect it. If you do the research in-house or on your own, these employee protections don’t apply to your situation. The FCRA also requires that you, as an employer, obtain an employee’s complete written consent before any professional background screening companies check his credit report. A potential new employee’s complete bankruptcy history using a third party employment verification process can be included while you are doing a background check, but keep in mind that federal law expressly forbids discrimination against any potential employees who may have filed for bankruptcy.