Waste. It is a serious issue among the American population, as Americans throw out tons of goods every year that make their way into landfills, which can overflow and cause problems in the environment and in the rivers and streams of the area. Waste is somehow more personal than professional. Waste professionally is seen as inefficient in many cases.
There are some industries that have more waste than others. The restaurant industry throws away tons of pounds of food each year, which could go to feed the homeless or feed people in third world countries. There is likely a law against doing this, however, or it likely would have been done.
Another industry that has a lot of waste are other service industries, such as coffee shops and cafes. Like restaurants, they throw away a great deal of food and drink (or product) that could be used for another cause, although again, this is likely because there are law prohibiting this or liability issues if someone got sick from the food.
Waste, however, is generally seen as a bad thing in certain industries. While having an excess of food may be helpful in a restaurant setting, having an excess of certain things in a corporate setting may be worse. Generally, American businesses thrive off the bottom line. Anything that produces waste slows the company down and shouldn’t be done.
One of these areas is paper. Companies use paper to print numerous documents, including presentation slides, human resources manuals, sheets for company picnics, handouts for meetings, and much more. This can cause a great deal of waste in the company and lead to boxes full of papers that are lying around.
There are some statistics worth noting in this article about waste and paper. They are:
- Each individual office worker uses about 10,000 sheets of paper per year.
- 85% of business documents are still in paper form, wasting a lot of paper every day.
- The four departments that benefit most from document management systems include: accounts payable, accounts receivable, contracts management, and human resources.
- Printer and copier costs are the third-largest office expense.
- An average employee?s printing expenses can cost companies between $600 and $1,300 per year.
- Interact reported that 19.8% of business time is wasted by employees searching for information to do their jobs effectively.
- Filing accounts for a great deal of office debt. In fact, every misfiled document costs businesses $125 in lost productivity.
- An average of four weeks is lost each year waiting on misfiled, mislabeled, or untracked documents.
- 15% of all paper documents are misplaced and 7.5% are lost completely.
- 17% of everything printed is considered waste.
Those are some difficult statistics for people who use paper a great deal to read. They imply that paper is a waste within a company as it takes up a lot of space, gets thrown away often, gets lost, becomes tough to find among stacks of paper, gets put into a lot of cardboard boxes, and more.
One of the solutions to this is to use a print management service. A print management service is a service offered by a company that puts together all the documents that are needed and makes sure they are put in the right place. It manages what it printed and what is not printed.
Another option is document storage. There are many people who might think of cardboard boxes when it comes to document storage. But document storage is mostly online now, with different companies offering storage options for companies looking to organize and store their documents online.
Document storage is helpful for companies who have a great deal of storage. It is helpful for companies who want to organize their storage online. There are many ways this can be helpful. Having the right situation for storage can enable a company to increase effectiveness in retrieving those files.
There are some terms worth noting here. They are print management companies Sioux City, print management services, print management services Sioux City, print management Sioux City, print management software, print management software Sioux City. print management solutions, print management solutions Sioux City, printer solutions, and more.
There are other options worth noting as well. Document storage enables people to be organized, which can make them more efficient and effective at their jobs. Organization is important for numerous reasons as it can help an employee a great deal.