Obliging to the Environmental, Health, Safety and Sustainability (EHS) regulations is difficult for most business owners. You want to make sure that you are in accordance with all the rules and that you have features and benefits from an inspection software that will help you achieve this. So what exactly is incident management and how is it applied to your EHS risk management solution?
- You Should Have an Inspection Software That Helps Track All Incidents
One of the most valued parts of an inspection software is its ability to track all sorts of activity that you would have to log in manually across all locations. In order to maximize your results and productivity, you need to know everything happening in every location. How can be sure what?s going on in your business if you can?t keep an eye on everyone?
You should have an inspection software that accounts for all types of incidents in your business. This includes logging in both illnesses and injuries that occurred in a single system. This will help with configuring forms and distributing workflow evenly. Even more, you should have an environmental auditing software that reassures to report you of all hazards, hits and misses in your system as well as the environmental releases occurring from your business. You should be able to generate all of the necessary regulatory documents as proof for EHS. This includes forms such as the 300A, 301 and OSHA Forms 300.
- Does it Have Managed Corrective Actions?
It?s better to have an inspection software that also provides you with managed corrective actions such as risk and root analysis. You need to know everything that is happening in your business, including any missed corrective actions that needed to be taken in your business. Failure to close these gaps could result in a huge penalty fee for your company. That?s why you need an inspection software that works excellently and seamlessly to deliver you corrective actions for non-conformed compliances.
Also, you should have an EHS reporting software that will help with escalating email notifications to the right departments when these corrective actions have been pushed past deadline.
- Does Your Safety Software Analyze and Report for You?
It?s important to identify trends in your business that could be contributing factors to missed deadlines, non-compliance and overall progress within each location. You want to see engagement? Well your inspection software should provide that for you. Using analyzation techniques, it should help with optimizing your experience with the audit software in place.
Your Inspection Software Should Provide You with Optimal Services
When you look for a good risk management solutions software you should make sure that you have one that helps with managing all incidences in your company. You probably won?t have the time to do it yourself, so it?s good to have a system like this one in place. You should be able to easily track the work progress of all employees and maintain all of your EHS compliances to keep yourself in business.
Remember, failure to meet any of the requirements of the EHS, you could potentially be fined and even shut down varying on how far behind the compliances you are showing to the EHS employees. Owning your own inspection software will help maximize the efficiency of your inspections and help you hit all target points for the EHS reports.