Post-tension construction strengthens pre-hardened concrete using tendons pressed on the concrete from end to end. It combines conventional slab reinforcement with additional strengthening using protruding highly strengthened steel tendons. It results in thinner slabs that last longer than most conventional ones. The main benefit of a post solution job is that it reduces shrinkages that cause cracks hence the need for fewer joints. It allows you to build slabs on expansive and soft soils cost-effectively.
Post tension slabs are repairable, but with extreme care not to cut the cables. Accidentally breaking the steel tension cables can lead to injury or cause death. The retrofitting works if the problem is identified early instead of cutting into the slab.
Post-tension construction requires experts. The strength and tension of the support cables must be accurate to withstand pressure and hold the structure together without breaking. Engineers determine the PSI and how to lay the tendons. It is a delicate type of construction that cannot be left to guesswork or novices to avoid damages and costs.