You wanted to do everything in your power to make sure that your youngest daughter had a great visit to your college alma mater. Your son wanted the same. Between the two of you, in fact, you likely did even more than the admissions office to make sure the weekend visit was a success. In addition to the campus tour and lunch that are included in the traditional visit, your son convinced one of his friends to take your daughter up for a flight so that she could get an aerial view of the campus and the area. You made an appointment with the dean of the engineering school so that your daughter could have a one on one conversation.
In the end you are not sure which part of the tour was her favorite, but you do know that this campus visit had a positive impact. After she returned home she completed the online application process and hit submit. All that is left is to see what kind of scholarships they might offer.
Finding the Right Airline Options Can Help You Reach Your Travel Goals
Whether you are looking for a way to encourage your high school student to pick your favorite college or you want to get private flight quotes for a business trip, there are a number of ways to make sure that you achieve what you set out to do.
Private flight quotes can help you find the best travel options, whether it is for work or for pleasure. And while there are many people who simply fly on commercial flights, there are a growing number of people who look at executive private jet charter options when they need to travel.
If you are someone who has to frequently travel for work then you likely know the importance of checking into private flight quotes. The fact that respondents to a 2009 survey indicated that they are 20% more productive on a company aircraft than in the office is one reason to consider this travel option. In addition to the productivity while they are flying, another advantage business travelers find when they travel on a private charter is convenience. For instance, did you know that 30% of all business aircraft flights are into a secondary airport, while only 19% of flights are into large commercial airports. This means that the it is easier to find an airport when for most convenient arrivals and departures.