Roofing is one of the most important industries in the home improvement business. Whether it be a full replacement or just a touch-up, roofers have no shortage of projects and revenue. Roofers can have several contracts and clients at once, balancing many projects. Have you ever wondered what being a successful roofer at the top of your business is like? Well, this video gives a first-hand look at the world of commercial roofing and how you can be successful in it.
Clearly, the more projects roofing contractors can get the better. Each project brings in tons of revenue, so a plethora of projects means a steady income and client base.
However, to tap into a clientele that lasts, pushing for projects on large business roofs is the way to go. When a business or retail building hires a roofer to maintain the roof, chances are that they will keep you on contract to come in and fix their problems. Being a reliable roofer leads to may clients, but big businesses inevitable are able to pay more. While residences offer ample work, large businesses need much more maintenance, and constantly.