What difference does OSHA make to you? OSHA currently uses a 3-step process to try and prevent dangerous falls, which reduces the rate of injury and death in workplace situations. As an added benefit, it helps companies reduce the instances they need to payout for accidents. The 3-step process is plan, provide, and train.
OSHA’s Goals
As OSHA?s website points out, ?No one should have to sacrifice their life for their livelihood, because a nation built on the dignity of work must provide safe working conditions for its people? — this is a quote from the current secretary of labor, Thomas E. Perez. OSHA?s website has information on a wide range of possible services. You can learn how to find information on construction hazards, find an OSHA office, learn about temporary worker protections, get information on reporting severe work-related injuries, and more.
Preventing Falls: Important for Your Workplace
What do you need to know for your own workplace? There are a few different ways to prevent falls. There?s general fall arrest (an example: nets) and there are also personal fall arrests (such as lifelines). In most cases, OSHA limits the amount of space you can fall to six feet (this means anyone working at six feet or above needs to be provided with equipment to prevent a fall, whether this is a ladder, scaffolding, safety gear, or some combination of these tools.
Training is Essential Whether it’s Lifting Gear or Web Slings
Training, along with equipment, is an important part of keeping a workplace safe as mandated by OSHA. Fall protection competent person training is one thing that companies can and should invest in. After all, all the fall protection equipment in the world isn?t going to do much if people don?t actually know how to use it. Instruction is also necessary for employees to know how to properly document what they are doing to keep the workplace safe, which is just as important as taking the actual steps since it ensure that everyone is on the same page.
For many years, for example, companies didn’t need to have ID tags permanently affixed to wire rope slings. The newest OSHA regulations, however, do require tags for wire slings. Fall protection competent person training is also helpful for getting employees caught up on ever changing requirements from OSHA.