Signage is hugely important here in the United States, with the average person living here exposed to upwards of 3,000 different signs and other similar advertisements over the course of just one single day. And the signage that is used throughout the country is diverse and comes in a great deal of variety, meaning that signage can be utilized for many different purposes.
Take, for instance, the use of something like an outdoor LED sign for school properties. This outdoor LED sign for school properties is one that has taken off in popularity, with outdoor signs for schools hugely commonplace throughout the United States. And outdoor LED sign for school properties even improves upon the typical outdoor school signs, allowing for clearer – and even more attractive – messaging than ever before. Through the use of an outdoor LED sign for school properties, schools can get necessary information to students and their parents alike, ranging from start dates, dates of closure, important student events, and beyond. Many an outdoor LED sign for school properties will also be used to highlight impressive student achievements, from academic to athletic to even artistic.
And signs for churches often fulfill many of the same needs as the typical outdoor LED sign for school properties. After all, church signs convey many of the same messages, from start times to events and, in some cases, even inspirational messages. Church signs help to inform already existing members of the community as well as drawing in potential new members on top of that. And signs such as signs for government buildings (and signs for municipalities as a whole, for that matter) can be hugely important as well.
Of course, signage for businesses is also hugely important and is something that many places of business are using as a key and critical part of their advertising and marketing strategy. After all, off site signage like billboards are hugely important and hugely influential, a claim that is more than supported by the data that has been gathered on the subject. This data shows that more than 70% of all people will pay attention to at least some of the billboards that they pass by, with more than one third of all people paying attention to nearly every billboard that they encounter.
It’s known that billboards influence various purchasing decisions as well, something that makes sense when you look at the research that shows that more than 65% of all people make at least some of their shopping decisions while they are in the car – and that around one third of all people will visit the brick and mortar location for a billboard that they saw within a week of seeing said billboard. More and more people are even becoming interested in various events because of billboards, with up to 58% of all adults finding an event of interested through this means – and the same percentage finding a restaurant in this exact same manner.
And on site signage plays its role as well. After all, on site signage is so powerful that the use of it can be compared to taking out as many as 24 full page newspaper ads over the course of just one single year. And on site signage is easy to incorporate, from free standing sign holders to wall decals to other forms of displays. With on site signage boosting sales of even fully priced items by as much as a full one fifth (by about 20%), it’s clear that the role played by on site signage in all of its forms is certainly not one that should be discounted in any way.
At the end of the day, signage of all kinds has its role to play, from the outdoor LED sign for school properties to the scrolling marquee signs favored by businesses to even outdoor church signs. At the end of the day, all of this signage is useful in its own way, working together to create a desired impact on customers and potential customers in the area and all throughout the country, for that matter.