Think about this scenario for a minute:
You walk through the grocery store and are looking through your shopping list. You come to the beverage mix aisle containing coffees, teas, protein powder bags, juice mixes, and more. You start peeling through the labels, trying to decide which products would be best for you (and your wallet). Informed purchasing, right?
You’re not alone. 85% of shoppers said their purchase decisions are informed by reading a product package while shopping, and more than two-thirds of Americans read food and drink labels to inform themselves. The 2016 West Rock Consumer Insights Study revealed that 66% of consumers have tried a new product because the packaging caught their eye. The more you read, the more informed you’ll be on what you’re purchasing and what you will be consuming. If you’re satisfied with your purchase, you also rely on the labeling and packaging to give an accurate review. Nearly 52% of online consumers say that they would return to a business for another purchase if they receive their products in premium packaging. 40% of consumers would share a photo of a product on social media if the packaging were interesting. Businesses rely on that feedback in the production side of things as well. Businesses that pay close attention to packaging have reported a 30% increase in consumer interest. So, packaging and labeling have a heavy influence on consumer purchasing habits, as well as business flow and decision-making.
The average American supermarket holds more than 20,000 products, all competing to attract the attention of the consumer. Take your beverage purchase dilemma from earlier. Packaging for tea, paper coffee bags, and drink and food packaging labels all factor into the purchasing process.
Say you’re wanting to purchase tea bags or protein powder bags. Let’s be realistic, tea chills people out, and protein powder is becoming a high commodity item in grocery stores as an easy purchase for people into the health and fitness scene. Protein powder bags and containers generally gear towards those people looking to either bulk up or increase their protein intake pre or post-workout. Many of the companies advertising protein powder bags place heavy influence on the benefits it can have as far as your workouts and overall health and wellness go. Similarly, tea bags and tea packaging emphasize different effects the tea can have on your mind and body. Many tea companies boast different categories such as sleepy time tea, calming tea, caffeinated tea, tea to boost your immune system, and more.
And how do you find that information about the tea or protein powder bags out? The packaging! When it comes to production of consumer products, you can give consumers peace of mind in their purchase when you provide not only an informative label for a high-commodity product but also attractive packaging to draw them in and bring them back for more. The more they know, the more likely they are to purchase and return for more!