Have you ever seen the custom exhibits and booths at a trade show or career fair or networking event? If not, that’s okay. These events play host to a huge number of well-designed booths and exhibits. Most of them try to convey some sort of message or show a product of some kind.
Custom exhibit booths are more complex than you might realize. If someone asked you to create a booth of your own, how much time do you think it would take you to complete it? How many design elements would you think are involved? There are a lot of factors that custom exhibit builders have to account for.
Many booths earn their designs with human psychology in mind. Studies show that a human’s attention is best captured by certain stimuli. Designs that cater to these findings help booth owners increase efficiency. The more efficient a message is at spreading, the better it is for the booth owner.
In an example, booth designers consider the use of three colors or less to be a rule of thumb. They’re designing booths to get their messages heard loud and clear. If too many colors find their way into an exhibit, it can feel “busy” and confuse the main message. The human brain doesn’t like cluttered, messy designs.
Some of the most effective booth designs are minimalist designs. If you’ve ever used an Apple product, you’ve seen this motif at play. With Apple products, the content is clear and easy to see with little clutter or confusion.
The reason for this is simple. It’s known that the clarity of a message is its highest point when an exhibit is 40 percent empty space. In a manner of speaking, what an exhibit doesn’t say is just as important as what it does say.
Custom exhibit designers use some other interesting techniques to maximize a message’s spreadability. Three different types of graphics capture the attention of trade show attendees with ease. For attendees already near your booth, there are smaller signs. Larger, clearer signs may draw in the attention of those standing further away. Studies show that this technique works, drawing passersby in like moths to a flame.
Do you have custom exhibits to plan? Consider reaching out to an exhibit company which specializes in booth design. Years of studies and research back their methods, so it’s sure to be a good investment on your part.