You have spent a good deal of time looking at seasoning packaging today. In an effort to rid your cupboards of expired spices and other containers, you literally emptied out all of your cupboards onto the kitchen island and are reorganizing. And while it might be tempting in this time of sheltering in place to simply go buy a little bit of everything at the store, you decided that it would be better to first take stock of everything that you already have before buying any more. You also realized that by reorganizing your cupboards you can make more room for the foods that you want to stock up on instead of having to make many trips to the grocery store. From the seasoning packaging expiration dates to the items that you know that no one will ever use, you have tossed quite a few items, but you feel like you are in a better spot when you need to head to the store.
One Time Use Organic Paper Bags Are Back in Style
As the nation comes to grips with the latest health warnings from the Centers for Disease Control, it should come as no real surprise that shoppers are being asked to leave their cloth reusable shopping bags at home. Instead, one time use paper or plastic bags are being used at grocery stores across the country as both large and small grocery stores try to keep their workers and customers safe.
Packaging has always mattered, but in a time when many consumers might find themselves having to buy less familiar items in the stores when the shelves are less than full. From the protein powder bags that you normally buy to the seasoning packaging that can alert you to sugar and salt content, it is important to take the time to look at the information that can help you make your purchases no matter how full or how empty the shelves are.
Consider these facts and figures about the design and style, as well as the ingredients and nutritional information that is included on seasoning packaging and other items that consumers typically buy:
- As many as 52% of online consumers indicate that they would return to a business for another purchase if they receive their products in premium packaging.
- Approximately, 66% of consumers have tried a new product because the packaging caught their eye, according to the 2016 West Rock Consumer Insights Study findings.
- All competing to attract the attention of the consumer, the average American supermarket holds more than 20,000 products.
- Marketing is so important that businesses paying close attention to packaging have reported a 30% increase in consumer interest.
- In fact, four of every 10 consumers indicate that they would share a photo of a product on social media if the packaging were interesting.
- Whether it is for nutritional information or to compare pricing, 85% of shoppers said their purchase decisions are informed by reading a product package while shopping.
- The latest research indicates that nearly two in three Americans read food labels.
Most of us have no control over the greater medical issues that are communities are going to face. We can, however, stay at home, shelter in place, and make sure that we are not part of the spread. When it comes time for going to the grocery store, it is going to be increasingly important to be effective and organized when you are in these spaces. For these reasons, there are many people who are going to make use of online ordering and home delivery options.
These next weeks, and possibly months, are going to be challenging times for all Americans. As a result, it will be even more important that we learn to plan ahead and create a way to make sure that our times in the store are as important as possible to make sure that limit our time in public spaces. Finding the right strategy if you have to shop at an unfamiliar grocery store means that you may not be able to find the typical items that you are used to buying. Carefully checking labels, however, can help you make sure that you are getting the products you need.