In addition to making sure that workers are safe while they are on the clock, it is also increasingly important to know that the job site itself is safe and secure. From protecting expensive equipment and tools to making sure that workers who are on jobs along busy streets and highways are safe, there is, in fact, an entire industry that strives to provide the necessary perimeter protection for your job site no matter where it is located. Obviously, a job site along an interstate will have different needed safety precautions than a work site that is in the middle of down town, but either way having immediate access to the perimeter protection for your job site is essential.
Fortunately, there are already plans in place to make sure that you will likely not have to recreate the necessary list of safety barriers that you need. In fact, safety engineers from around the country not only have some of their own preferences when the are preparing to secure a perimeter, they are also guided by state and federal regulations as well. Taking into consideration the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations that are also very specific, there are many times when a new job site safety manager can merely work through an online checklist to create an initial list of needed items. From concrete barriers to propane tank protection barriers and to more temporary construction site barriers, it is important to know that no matter what job site you are assigned to your safety will be carefully considered.
Perimeter Protection for Your Job Site Is an Essential Preparation for Any Work Assignment
In addition to all of the perimeter protection for your job site, it is also important that workers come to their job carefully dressed in the right kind of gear. Steel toe boots are typically a given and knowing that you are going to be out in the elements may require various kinds of cold weather gear as well. All road construction workers and many elevator construction crews find themselves unprotected from the heat and sun in the summer or from the cold and snow during the winter months. For these reasons, there are many times when the workers are just as responsible for their own safety in the elements as the safety engineer is for the protection of the perimeter.
With a market share of close to 10%, the U.S. is the second largest construction market worldwide and continues to grow. As further evidence of how important the construction industry is the economy of the nation, in the year 2017 alone, approximately 8.4 million people were employed by this industry in the U.S. All told, the U.S. spent $1.3 trillion in construction in just the year 2018.
Because the need for perimeter solutions and various kinds of barriers can vary from one job site to another, most construction companies rent the types of safety barriers that they need. Once the exact materials needed are determined, the safety manager is typically responsible for placing an oder and designating a deadline when these materials need to be delivered.
The drop off at the beginning of a project and the pick up at the conclusion of the project are typically a part of any rental arrangement, and it is important that all of the necessary barriers arrive on time so that a project can start on time. By renting these various kinds of barriers, construction companies can focus on hiring enough workers and implementing the scheduled work as best as possible. Likewise, when a barrier is damaged or stolen, the construction company can simply report the need for replacements from the rental company. This is, of course, much easier than having to locate and purchase more of the missing pieces.
The goal of any kind of barriers is first and foremost that safety of the workers. These barriers are also important in the protection of the job site itself. In many situations, the safety of the equipment and the site may also require overnight, weekend, and after hour security personnel to protect the job site itself and the tools and equipment.