Miami internet marketing is no easy task. Marketing on the internet period is not easy, even if you are an Internet marketing agency! However,it can be much simpler and get you the results you need if you know what you are doing and can keep up with the latest research.
For instance, it is important to note that the amount of active Internet users has risen to two billion, according to the International Telecommunications Union. Also, of those two billion active internet users, 42 percent of those who use search engines such as Google click on the top ranking link of whatever they are searching for. This is important to note, whether you are a Miami internet marketing company, a Fort Myers website design company, a Naples web design company, or anyone who does business with internet marketing!
So how does one get a business to be top in the list of search results, using proper internet marketing? One fact to consider is that many companies still consider SEO, or search engine optimization, and content marketing as separate initiatives, but these two concepts can, in fact, complement each other! If you are a Miami internet marketing company, it is important to know about how to optimize your content using these concepts. Even if you are a Fort Myers marketing company, you should know that optimized content integrates Seo, content marketing, and social media.
One way to get started on creating optimized content is to create strategies for each social medium. Facebook is a good place to start. Many Miami internet marketing and web design Fort Myers companies use Facebook, a social media network that has gained much importance in the past two years. The number of marketers who say Facebook is important or critical to their success, Miami internet marketers included, has increased 83 percent in only two years!