How do the birds know that the first day of fall has arrived?
Last evening at the cabin you were amazed at the number of robins that were gathering in your yard and the surrounding areas throughout the camp where your family has vacationed for years. Just before dusk the birds took flight. You can only assume they are getting ready to migrate. Just another sign that even though fall has just arrived, winter is on its way. Nature’s way of reminding you that you need to tackle the list of home maintenance tasks that you address this time of the year. Changing the air filters is on the list every month, but now is the time when you also need to plan for draining the sprinkler system and getting ready to winterize the lawn mower and pull out the snow blower.
The arrival of fall this year not only comes with the changes in nature but also a need for a new plan for many small business owners. For instance, restaurants who were able to do a decent job of serving a regular number of customers on patios and rooftops are now looking for ways to still serve meals in the open air. Fortunately, with the latest trend in shipping container cafes, however, some businesses are hoping to create an open air concept with the addition of efficient outdoor heaters.
And while it will no be possible to use some of these indoor outdoor spaces on the windiest and snowiest of days, there are many people who are hoping that with the modifications that can be made to trade show shipping containers, some retailers are also hoping for success. Setting up shop with the use of these trade show shipping containers many retailers are hoping to capitalize on outdoor events like ice skating rinks and sledding hills. Likewise, bars and clubs continue to look for ways to seat more customers even when social distancing is required.
Trade Show Shipping Containers and Pop Up Container Bars Continue to be in High Demand
It is no secret that fall is the favorite season of many. From getting to wear boots and sweaters to being able to order everything pumpkin, in the past the arrival of autumn is often more than welcome. This year, however, as the nation continues to battle the challenges brought by Covid 19, many business owners are wondering how they will be able to continue to stay open. Restaurants and bars, for example, may have been able to capitalize on outdoor seating options when the weather was warm this spring and summer, but the cold weather will bring new challenges. Fortunately, custom shipping containers provide some solutions. With the use of trade show shipping containers, many businesses have long used this format to travel from one outdoor event to another. Using some of these same ideas, some local restaurants are looking at creating satellite locations where they can meet the needs of business workers over lunch and other patrons on busy weekends.
Even before the pandemic, pop-up shops were booming and getting more attention from small businesses with a recently reported U.S. market value of $50 billion. For example, Downtown Container Park in Las Vegas spans as much as 19,000 square feet with a mix of 30 shipping containers and 41 multifunctional modular cubes forming its perimeter. Ordered to exact specifications, these containers can arrive ready to go with all of the modern conveniences like electric, running water, and, of course, WiFi accessibility.
In addition to a much lower cost than building a new space, these shipping containers also offer another equally important value as the nation tries to make swift transitions to possible new business models. Often referred to as Design 4.0, shipping container stores typically only take between five and 12 weeks off a store’s potential opening timeline. This makes for a much faster transition to a new format. Being able to change and adapt is the secret to the businesses who are able to survive the latest economic challenges caused by the pandemic. And while investing in a shipping container still requires some funding, the fact that the end result can be available so quickly provides a real advantage.