“You know, they say you are not supposed to buy any of those gift cards at the checkout stands.” Your 84-year old father points this out as you wait to pay at the grocery store. Fearful of the fraud and identity theft that appears to be never ending in today’s society, senior citizens are not…
Got Cracks And Potholes? It’s Time To Call For Concrete Driveway Repair
Do you have holes or cracks in your concrete driveway? It may be time to pencil in a new obligation on your to-do list. Asphalt is a necessary component of day-to-day American life, quite literally paving the way as we go to work and school. When your asphalt driveway starts to suffer from the wear…
The Top 3 Most Important Reasons Why You Should be Recycling Thermoform Packaging
Do you care about the environment? Like, do you really, really care about the environment? These days, it’s “cool” to care about the environment and go green, but few people truly understand the severity of their actions in terms of how they could potentially be harming the environment unknowingly. After all, caring about the environment…
Why You Need the Help of Professional PowerPoint Designers
Presentations can have a lot riding on them, from huge business deals to multi-million dollar contracts. While PowerPoint can be used to organize the bake sale at your kid’s school, this software is used every day for high stakes proposals. A bad proposal can certainly make or break an important decision. And while most business…
The Importance of a Clean Parking Lot
When you own a business, you are responsible for the safety and the health of your customers when they frequent your business. You can protect your customer?s health and safety by taking necessary precautions. One of these safety precautions is ensuring that your business and your parking lots are clean and orderly at all times….
Compliance Software Can Give Your Company An Edge
Software plays a very important role in almost every facet of a company’s business in today’s world. One of those facets has to do with Environmental Health and Safety functions. If your company has compliance software, its ability to make sure that it meets the standards and practices for your industry are greatly increased. Relying…
What Are Steel Cargo Containers Used For?
How many uses can one find for a steel cargo container? As it stands — quite a few! Our globalized industry is always looking for effective and durable means of transporting and shielding goods from damage or the elements and nowhere is that more clear than steel shipping containers. However, lay aside the notion that…
You Can Improve Your Torque Control Program with These 4 Tips
The application of a specific torque to a nut, bolt or other fastener is typically done with a torque wrench, an instrument developed by Conrad Bahr in 1918. He was working for the New York City Water Department at the time. Calibration of any instrument requires the comparison of two instruments. You should know the…